A Brief About Injection Grouting & Its Process
Simply put, injection grouting is the process of filling the open joints, honeycombs, cracks, or voids in concrete structural buildings. A grout material is used to create pressure for doing the same. The cures occur in the same place to produce the best outcomes, such as preventing water ingress and making a structure strong. Grout is actually a flowable plastic material, which has negligible shrinkage to fill the voids or gaps and remains stable without cracking or crumbling. Polymer injection grouting, fiber-reinforced injection grouting, cement-sand injection grouting, and gas-forming injection grouting are some of the main types of injection grouting, any of which can help fill in gaps.
A total of 5 steps are involved in the process of injection grouting. Now, read on to learn about them.
- Step 1: Drilling the Ports on the Surface
The first step clearly explains that you have to drill the ports in the cracks at a regular interval. The distance between the two ports or holes is completely dependent on the type of crack.
- Step 2: Sealing Cracks Between Ports
Use polyester or epoxy materials to fill in the cracks between the two ports. Let the seal get properly hardened. Then, if you see that the cracks are passing through the structure, the surface ports and seals should get applied on both sides. You can get help from services for grout injection underpinning in Perth to better seal the cracks.
- Step 3: Cleaning Cracks and Ports
Before you start with injection grouting, it is crucial that you clean the cracks and holes properly. Use clean water and a vacuum to do it manually and effectively. Make sure the cracks are sprinkled with water.
- Step 4: Grouting the Hose Connection
A cone-shaped, hand-held tool sitting on the grout hose is sufficient if the grout pressure is smaller, which is up to 350 kPa. But if the grout pressure is higher, short pipe nipples should be connected to the holes to have proper grout hose connections.
- Step 5: Injection Grouting on the Cracks
Use the grouting machine and inject the grout material on the crack. Make sure you are filling it with pressure and using skilled labor for the same.
Injection grouting is undoubtedly an effective process for filling in gaps or voids. Consider going for this option if your building’s structure is experiencing problems as such. Keep checking for more updates on the same.
Author’s Bio: The author is an efficient blogger and owner of a company that provides an ideal service for grout injection underpinning in Perth.